S.No. |
Particulars |
Description |
1. |
Name/Address of the contractors establishment |
FUTURZ STAFFING SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED 6th Floor, Office No : 602, A Wing, Eureka Towers, Off Link Road, Mindspace, Malad West, Mumbai 400064 |
2. |
Website address |
https://www.futurzhr.com/ |
3. |
Name and address of the Proprietor / Director |
Farhan Azmi |
4. |
Name and address of the place / site where the contract workers are to be employed. |
5. |
Phone / Mobile No. and E-mail ID of person incharge of the site. |
6. |
Form ”V” issued by P.E- Rule 21(2 |
7. |
Notice of commencement / completion of contract work – Rule 25(2) |
8. |
From IV- Rule21(1)/ VII- Rule 29(2) |
9. |
Agreement with P.E. along with rate & no. of .workers for which contract has been given |
10. |
Letter of extension of contract period, in case of renewal of license. |
11. |
Affidavit/s that wages are being disbursed through account payee cheques/ECS |
12. |
Affidavit for legal compliance including condition of license |
13. |
Challan of License Fees/(Late Fees, if any G.A.R.-7 |
14. |
Challan of Security Deposit (G.A.R.-7 |
15. |
License No. under CLRA Act,1970 |
16. |
Nature of Work for which contract workers are to be engaged/employed |
17. |
Registration Number/Certificate under Shops & Establishment Act,1954 |
18. |
PF Code Number |
19. |
Esi Code Number |
20. |
Half Yearly Return- Rule 82(1) |
21. |
Form XIII (Register of Workmen) |
22. |
Name and address of the Principal Employer |
23. |
Web Site Address |
24. |
Name and address of the Proprietor/Director/Partners of P.E. Estt |
25. |
Phone/Mobile Number of person incharge of contract work/site |
26. |
Registration Certificate No. under CLRA Act, 1970 |
Note; |
Please keep PF CHALLAN, LEDGER, ESIC CHALLAN,SALARY SHEET in last menu as shown is demo link |